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22.99 $

STORK – 3D Printed FPV Aircraft







Optimal Speed

50-60 km/h

Bed Size

min. 220x220mm




Talon 1400

Talon 1400 - High-performance 3D printed UAV with up to 4-hour flight time and versatile customization

24.99 $


General Data

Stork is a stable aircraft in a classic layout with push propeller and V-TAIL. 1600mm wingspan is a good combination of compactness and great performance. The fuselage is very spacious and is able to accommodate all equipment and a large battery. The aircraft is versatile and can be easily adapted to your needs. It is perfect platform for long-range FPV flights, as well as will serve well for LOS flights. It has been tested with and without flight controller. Aerodynamic characteristics are very favorable, the aircraft is stable and handles very well even in fully manual flight. When properly balanced, it does not require any trimming. You can feel like you are flying a slightly more agile motor glider. The ideal cruise speed is in the range of 50-60 km/h.
Most parts should be printed from LW-PLA, with additions from regular PLA or other hard material. Ready to fly aircraft with all equipment, with a 4S 3700 mAh battery weighed about 1500g. You can easily increase its weight to 3000g by using a larger battery and adding additional payload.

Check assembly manual, full list of needed accessories and more tips here:

See project report on blog: STORK - Introducing new FPV Aircraft Design

Gallery - Renders and Photos


Required accessories:

12x650mm Carbon Tube (MAIN SPAR) 1
8x650mm Carbon Tube (SECOND SPAR) 1
8x380mm Carbon Tube (SPAR) 2
4x100mm Carbon Tube (VTAIL SPAR) 2
4x190mm Carbon Tube (VTAIL SPAR) 2
Thin CA Glue 20g tube
CA Activator 1 (optional but useful)
M3 Threaded Insert (Outer Ø5mm, height 5mm) 18
M3 screw 18
Plastic M6x45mm screw 4
M6 nut 8
LW-PLA 1 roll
PLA Small amount
Polyester hinge 20x25mm 14
Pen spring 2
Velcro strap 2
Servo extension cable 2 (optional)


Reccomended electronics:

  • Motor: 2830 1200KV Propdrive / 4108 620KV / 2814 900KV
  • Propeller: 10x5 / 12x10 / 13x6.5
  • ESC 40A
  • Baterry: 4S Lipo or Lion from 3000 mAh to 21000 mAh
  • Servos: 4x Corona 929MG Metal Gear or similar Micro Servos.
  • Any Flight Controller (The prototype used a Pixhawk)

Printing Settings:

LW-PLA Airframe, several parts from hard material like PLA or PET-G

  • layer height: 0,25 mm
  • single wall 0,4mm thickness
  • 3% Gyroid infill.
  • Temperature: 235 degrees,
  • flow 60%
  • fan speed: 0%